Subscriber information for use by Greene County Prison
For Category: Residents
Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Land Line Phone Information:
Area Code:      Exchange:      Number:  
Example:        800                        555                      1212
Mobile Phone Information:
Area Code:      Exchange:      Number:  
Text Messaging Information:(check if same as Mobile)
Area Code:      Exchange:      Number:  
Voice Preference:Land Line PhoneMobile Phone
Alert PreferenceTextEmailVoice
Basic Directions:
In order to receive voice alerts, choose a Voice Preference (Land Line or Mobile) and be sure that your Land Line or Mobile number is entered as required.
Your land line number could be your home or office number. This number simply represents the place where you will most likely be when you receive a Voice alert. Of course if you choose a Voice Preference of 'Mobile', this number will not be used, just as the Mobile number will not be used if your Voice Preference is 'Land Line'.
Text alerts will be sent to the Text number you provide. For any text message, message and data rates may apply, and any charges for text messaging depend on your individual plan. To opt out of receiving notifications, reply to a Text notification with 'Amgalerts optout', and you will be removed from Greene County Prison's alert database, and receive a confirming text message. You may also opt out of the general program via the removal link you receive in any Email alert or Update Request. You may also reply with 'STOP' to any Text notification you receive.
Choose an Alert Preference. Although Greene County Prison has the option of sending any given alert in any mode (Text, E-mail or Voice), or all three, they also have the option of using only the mode that the Subscriber has specified as a Preference, so it is best to select the overall most effective means of contacting you. It is recommended that you choose Text or Email here, unless you feel that there is a strong possibility that our e-mail will be blocked, in which case you should choose either Text or Voice.
Note: If your service provder or your anti-spam program supports Whitelisting (indicating that messages from certain domains are NOT to be treated as Spam), it is good practice to whitelist the '' domain. Generally you do this through a control panel provided by the ISP, or sometimes by simply sending an e-mail to '', which may result, depending on your system, in automatic whitelisting. Check Spam folders for AMGAlerts update requests or alerts and set appropriate rules to assure that mail from our system will get through.
AMGAlerts uses this information ONLY for alerting purposes at the request of our Member Organization, Greene County Prison. Your information is not used in any other way. For more information, feel free to view our Privacy Policy
If you have any questions about this system or this process, e-mail
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